Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
AGKlimaExtreme [no description available]
AI4Carbon AI4Carbon: Machine Learning meets Atmospheric Transport
Atm Airborne trace gas measurements and mesoscale modelling (Gerbig)
ATTO_BGC_coordination ATTO project internal coordination at MPI-BGC (Trumbore)
ATTO_Carbon_Breakout [no description available]
ATTO_PIs ATTO Science team (S. Trumbore)
ATTO_project General information and dissemination list for ATTO
ATTO_SSC ATTO Scientific Steering Comittee list (S. Trumbore)
ATTO_TAM ATTO project internal technical and administrative coordination at MPI-BGC (O. Kolle)
BACI_administration EU-Projekt (Horizon 2020- Start 1.4.2015) von M. Mahecha
BACI_ExecutiveBoard EU-Projekt von M. Mahecha
BACI_Generalassembly EU-Projekt von M. Mahecha: The General Assembly members
BACI_Newsletter BACI project newsletter
BEM [no description available]
BGC-Admin Administrative Informationen für BGC (VWL)
BGC-Allocation BGC-Carbon allocation and water availability discussion
BGC-Baie Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Experimentation Group (Migliavacca)
BGC-Betriebsausschuss Betriebsausschuss des Betriebsrates
BGC-BGM Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
BGC-BSI-Grads PhDs in the BSI department
BGC-C_side BGC-BGI-C-Side
BGC-Choir Choir of MPI BGC and ICE
BGC-CompCom List for computing issues (B.Smolny)
BGC-data_mining Exchange on data-mining of biogeochemical cycle data (M.Reichstein)
BGC-Dienstreisen BGC-Sekretariate und DR-Themen
BGC-DV BGC-IT group (B.Smolny)
BGC-Eddy BGC eddy covariance mailing list (Mirco Migliavacca)
BGC-Firstaiders Ersthelfer*innen am MPI-BGC
BGC-Foreigners BGC-discussing matters relevant to foreigners working at our institute. (B.Wiehl)
BGC-G7 BGC-Fuehrungsgremium (E.Fritz)
BGC-GBA Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
BGC-geoengineering geoengineering-related topics (A.Kleidon)
BGC-Grads for students working on their thesis, renamed 05.2005 by PJK
BGC-Groupleaders including: heads of departments, of research groups, of service facilities; library; (senior) postdocs; secretaries; research coordination
Bgc-hbci HBCI Hydrology-Biosphere-Climate Interactions Group
BGC-HPC List for HighPerformanceComputing users at the BGC-institute
BGC-IPAS IPAS research group
BGC-itp Office @ IT-Paradies (211206)
BGC-JSBACH Email-list for exchange of JSBACH/MPIESM issues (Sönke Zaehle)
BGC-Kleidon Mailing-Liste der Arbeitsgruppe A. Kleidon (BTM)
BGC-LaTEX alternativer WORD-Prozessor (B.Smolny)
BGC-MAC alles zu und über Macs (B.Smolny)
BGC-MDI Nunos Group @ BGC
BGC-MDI-WEEKLY MDI weekly meetings
BGC-Mobil Mobiles, Smartphones (B.Smolny)
BGC-Personal Liste für Personalangelegenheiten der MPG (M.Braun)
BGC-Phdconf-2014 [no description available]
BGC-Phdprocesses [no description available]
BGC-Pinboard For all topics NOT directly related to the institute (Susanne Héjja)
BGC-Processes Liste der Abt. Trumbore
BGC-R R ist eine freie Programmiersprache für statistisches Rechnen und statistische Grafiken. (B.Smolny)
BGC-Research-DB BGC Research Database mailing List, maintained by R. Krause; renamed 25.05.2005
BGC-Schulze For internal comunication AG Schulze
BGC-Scientists List for scientists @ BGC to inform each other about courses and teaching possibilities, and discuss and promote our needs
BGC-SEC the current members of the institute council (IC)(E.Fritz)
BGC-Signals internal mailing list for Abt. Signals (Zaehle)
BGC-signals-GL [no description available]
BGC-SOIL cross-department Boden-Initiative
BGC-SoLiBe Kommunikation zu zentralen Softwarelizenzen
BGC-Submissions to announce new BGC manuscripts in our Blog
BGC-Sustainability BGC Sustainability Group (currently inactive)
BGC-Verwaltung Verwaltung (M.Braun)
BGC-Webteam Web-Team (PR team + others)
BGC-ZNS Zentrale Serviceeinrichtungen (E. Fritz, S. Héjja, Melanie Müller)
BGC_GLX List for the internal comunication of AG_Gleixner (RT20696) created 06/2013
BGI-SEC-meeting BGI-Gruppe zum SEC-meeting
BSY-grads Grads of AG Heimann @ BGC (RT:20590/2013)
C-Extreme Mailing list for FP7 C-Extreme consortium
CEF_grads created for the grads maintainer, moved to mailman 29.08.2004 from PJK
Dkrz143 Project 143 at DKRZ
E3S-Future-Earth Extreme events and environments: from climate to society (Reichstein/Frank)
E3s-future-earth_administration [no description available]
E3s-Meetings [no description available]
EcoTrajectoryUsers Users of EcoTrajectory
EIES [no description available]
ESDL Earth system datalab
ESRP [no description available]
Executive CarboEurope IP Executive Board list
FAIRSenDD [no description available]
FSU_Geoinf_Reichstein InfoListe für Lehrveranstaltung an der Uni Jena
Gfd Directors, head of Admin, research coordinator
Grants BGC grants management & administration
Grants_calls Grants Newsletter: Mitteilung von neuen Drittmittelausschreibungen
IAGOS_ETN IAGOS-Wissenschaftler zum Antrag auf ein
Icos-d Mailingliste fuer die Koordination von ICOS-D
ICOS-D-SC ICOS-D Steering Committee Mailinglist
ICOS-Jena Organisatoric Questions around ICOS in Jena in particular at the TCF
IDW-News Selected news of the scientific information service
IGAS-admin IGAS administrative contacts
igas-pis [no description available]
Igas-psc [no description available]
igas-sab [no description available]
igas-science IGAS scientists
IGas-wp2 IGAS WP2 mailing list
IGas-wp3 [no description available]
igas-wp4 WP4 mailing list
Igas-wp5 [no description available]
IMPRS-alumni [no description available]
Imprs-gbgc-associated IMPRS associated scientist
IMPRS-gBGC-faculty faculty of the IMPRS for global biogeochemical cycles
IMPRS-students IMPRS-Promovierende (S.Rothhardt)
Inversions (C. Roedenbeck)
ISSI-DA The International Space Science Institute's working group on Data Assimilation
Itms-admin [no description available]
Itms-coord [no description available]
Itms-m-admin [no description available]
Itms-m-science [no description available]
Itms-science [no description available]
Itms-v-admin [no description available]
Itms-v-science List for ITMS-V project module
Majadas-tech This list is for technical issues related to the Majadas field site and the MaNiP experiment.
Pandemie-Info Pandemie-Info
Peace Platform for Ecological Analyses on Colombian Ecosystems (C.Sierra)
Peer-Mentoring Postdoc Peer Mentoring
Phd-ess-orga [no description available]
Phd-ess-participants [no description available]
PHD-representatives [no description available]
Policy CarboEurope IP Policy list
Project-vom Project VOM
Project-vom-svn SVN list project VOM
quincy-model-request [no description available]
SBG Soil Biogeochemistry Group
SOCOM Surface Ocean CO2 Mapping intercomparison (C. Roedenbeck)
SOCOM-Submitters [no description available]
Stilt_Developer evelopers of the STILT-Project
Stilt_User [no description available]
TRY Mailing list for members of the TRY initiative
Tsm-jena Information about the TSM system at the MPIBGC (PJK)
XWinMaster Nachrichten vom DFN bezgl X-WIN Anschluss (BSMOLNY)
ZOTTO_project Science and coordination @ ZOTTO

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